Thursday, November 5, 2009

remember, remember the 5th of November

Some of you, like me, may have seen the movie "V for Vendetta" starring Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving. It came out in 2005. I know I really liked it, but I had no idea that it was sort of based on a true story! Come to find out the plot is based on the attempt by Guy Fawkes, Britain's most notorious traitor, to blow up parliament and the king!

As the story goes... back in 1603 the English Catholics were getting tired of being persecuted by Queen Elizabeth. James I was taking the throne and they were hoping that he would allow more religious freedom. When he didn't, a small group of people decided that violence was the answer. The plan was to blow up 36 barrels of gunpowder beneath Parliament and in the process blow up the king, some lords, and the prince of Wales. When they realized that they could injure innocent people in the process, most everyone backed out-- except Guy Fawkes.

The plan was foiled and Guy Fawkes was caught before lighting the barrels-- on November 5, 1605. He was tortured and executed. The people celebrated by lighting bonfires all over the UK. Ever since, November 5th is celebrated as bonfire night, where everyone in Britain lights bonfires and shoots fireworks to celebrate the safety of the king... So tonight I am headed to the Murray's for hotdogs, a big bonfire, and fireworks :)

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